So you want to invest your hard-earned money but aren’t sure exactly where to put it? SACCOs can be a great way to save and invest your money. In Kenya, there are hundreds of SACCOs, but you would want to save with the best SACCOs in Kenya.
Here is a list of the best SACCOs in Kenya that are certified and regulated.
Stima SACCO is probably the best SACCO in Kenya by dividends payments to its members. It was initially started in the year 1974 for the East African Power and Lighting Company but has since opened to the general populace.
It has grown to have a large portfolio of assets and a dynamic product list and services. Stima SACCOs is a leader when it comes to service providing to its members with services such as FOSA that provide banking for its members.
Safaricom SACCO
Safaricom SACCO was formed in the year 2001 and it’s one of the best SACCOs in Kenya. It was formed to develop and allow its members to access affordable loans to elevate their living conditions. Initially, the SACCO had a membership of only 222 members, to date the SACCO has more than 11,000 members.
Most membership comes from members working in tech companies as well as Safaricom PLC employees. Safaricom SACCO has a strategic objective to make sure their members access well-priced loans to elevate their living and economic statuses.
Waumini SACCO
Waumini SACCO ranks as one of the best SACCOs in Kenya. Its membership is open to any individual citizens and it has a dominant membership from the Catholic diocese and has over 33,000 members officially registered. It also provides FOSA and BOSA services to its members. It primarily focuses on providing loans to its members at competitive rates.
Sheria SACCO
Sheria SACCO was formed in the year 1972 and its membership has grown over time. As of now, the SACCO has more than 10,000 members with members from the Judiciary, the AG office, different government departments and ministries as well as any individual Kenyan willing to join. It’s one of the best-managed SACCOs in Kenya. The SACCO has over time been providing a range of loan services and products. Its loan portfolio ranges from emergency loans, school fees, development loans, and more.
Harambee SACCO
In the year 1970, a group of low-income earners came together and formed Harambee SACCO. Its famous slogan, “let’s pull together,” made sense to them to begin saving together. Today, Harambee SACCO is a multi-billion shilling financial institution and with an asset base of more than 15 billion Kenyan shillings. Most of its membership hail from the national and county governments as well as government agencies. There are both BOSA and FOSA services to its members. The dividends paid to members every financial year are also very competitive for this SACCO.
Hazina Sacco
Hazina Sacco was started in the year 1971 to promote thrift and saving amongst its membership. The thrift funds easily provided loanable funds to members. In the beginning, the Sacco had members from the ministry of finance and planning. Its members have since grown over other government agencies. The Sacco has more than 17,000 active members.
Unaitas Sacco
Unaitas Sacco was first registered by tea farmers in 1993. It was initially a cooperative society. Today, it’s a Sacco with more than 320,000 members. Its membership ranges from individuals, investment groups, and small businesses in Kenya. It boasts of its ability to make its members access financial power and make loans accessible to every Kenyan regardless of their economic status. Unaitas dividends over the years have also been competitive compared to other top SACCOs in Kenya.
United Nations Sacco
The United Nations Sacco is one of the best SACCOs in Kenya as well as the best managed in Kenya. It has been operational for more than 40 years, the UN Sacco was among the first to be certified and registered by SASRA. It is a full deposit-taking Sacco. Its membership stems from the UN agencies, International Organizations, and other diplomatic missions in Kenya. The Sacco has over 15 products for its members. It’s also subscribed to the cooperative bank link, making it possible for its members to access their accounts from any part of the world through VISA.
Kenya Bankers Sacco
The last on our list of the best SACCOs in Kenya is the Kenya Bankers Sacco, which was established in the year 1975. It mainly served members from the banking industry and financial/micro financial institutions. Its core service is mobilising funds through savings from members and offering loans. Its loans have been famed as low interest and affordable to members. The SACCO membership is open and any Kenyan over 18 years of age.
Kimisitu Sacco
Kimisitu Sacco was first founded in the year 1985. Mostly the membership is open to employees of embassies, international organizations, and non-government institutions. It also receives membership from other reputable organizations. Kimisitu dividends have continued to grow over time and the SACCO aims to elevate its members through affordable loans and investment through their asset base.
What to Look Out for Before Joining a Sacco

Before joining any SACCO make sure that you have done your due diligence and research. Many Kenyans have found themselves at crossroads after their savings and investments were mismanaged by SACCOs. So make
The following are tips you can use to avoid being scammed:
- Conduct a simple search to ascertain if the SACCO is SASRA certified.
- Find at least one member of the SACCO you want to join to find out their experience.
- Be sure to provide all the information required by the SACCO and fill in the registration forms well to avoid faulting your information incase of a complaint.
- In case of any issues, take it up with the right administrative officers or owners of the SACCOs.
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